We understand that not everyone can or ​wants to volunteer their time. As a member ​of the PTA, you will never be required to ​donate your time. Your membership still ​helps support our students and advocacy ​in the community.


Welcome to Kanesville PTA!


Sp​irit Wear

Purchase shirts, sweatshirts ​and more. Orders will be ​delivered to the school and ​sen​t home with students.

Children at school

Help support our kids by ​becom​ing a member.

blank schedule


Back to School Concept


19 - Back to School Night


Wolf Paw Print

Back to School Night

Wolf Paw Print

Monday August 19th

4pm - 6pm

Wolf Paw Print
Wolf Paw Print

22 - Reflections Entries Due

Empty Bulletin Board



Push pin. Drawing pin. 3D pin.
Push pin. Drawing pin. 3D pin.
Push pin. Drawing pin. 3D pin.
Push pin. Drawing pin. 3D pin.

October 22, 2024

Staci Lewis 801-710-8750

Manager facilitating staff meeting


PTA meetings are held the ​first Wednesday of the ​month at 12:30. Meetings are ​held in the library.

Can’t make it but want to ​know what’s going on? You ​can find meeting notes here.